Grow Your Business by Connecting with Business Owners with Real Woman Vibes.

Psst. We're not meant to do this alone!

Network with your new Business Besties instantly to find connections, collaborations, and grow in life & business.

Become a Member of the CEO Crowd

Are you tired of the

'lonely road' style of Entrepreneurship?


If you feel like no matter how hard you try, you can never find your people.

Your life is about to change because that's who you'll find in the CEO Crowd.

In the CEO Crowd, you'll discover a community of driven women who are building their businesses one step at a time together. 

Meet Some of Our Crowd Members


Renata Tebing

Intuitive Nutrition Coach

Lindsay Clappe


Larissa Torres

Automation Specialist

Ashley Avila

Podcaster & Coach

Member Benefits

Business Besties

Your journey starts with a 1:1 onboarding and strategy session. Then monthly opportunities to be matched with an epic accountability partner.

Co-Working Sessions

This is a Crowd that does the work together! We know that finding the motivation (and the time) can be a struggle. Tell your family you're working on your biz & join us for the support you need.

Surprise Events

Online & In-Person! From Christmas and Pajama Parties to IRL hugs - you'll have everything you need to FINALLY find your tribe.

The CEO Crowd is for you if: 

  • You're searching for collaborations (that are a win for all) and deep authentic relationships with REAL Business Women.
  • You've got an online business that you're ready to proudly pitch to the world.
  • You are a full-time Entrepreneur on the hunt for your tribe – you're no longer alone in this journey. 
  • You're a radiant Side Hustler with dreams big enough to light up the sky – we see your eagerness to roll up your sleeves and leave that 9-5.  


The CEO Crowd is not for you if:

  • You're happily rocking the brick-and-mortar scene and have zero interest in diving into the online whirlwind – more power to you!
  • You're not interested in collaborations and prefer flying solo – we salute your independence! And the Crowd is not your jam.
  • You're a complainer, excuse aficionado, or drama queen – oh, honey, we see you. But our corner of the universe is all about positive vibes, growth, and leaving the drama at the door.


Picture this: a room filled with laughter, energy, and a sprinkle of confetti magic – that's me, a human confetti cannon. 

But that's not all – I'm also a master connector. You know those people who seem to have an uncanny ability to bring others together, like magnets for like-minded souls? Guilty as charged! 

Now, let's talk about what that means for your business... it means that through our 125+ network, I know exactly who to connect you with to save you time and energy on the search (or the scroll).

Also, with 79% of people of professionals believing that career success is dependent on networking, I know that you my friend, are in the right place.



Tiqa Aziz


Positive Productivity Coach

Bonnie Lee


PCOS & Fertility Coach

Lisa Thomson


Conquer Overwhelm Coach


Now Available at:

Frequently Asked Questions