Connect with High Achieving Women to Grow Your Business.

Psst. We're not meant to do this alone!

Attend Unlimited Networking. Increase Your Productivity By 15% With Our Co-Working. And Be Part Of A Community (instead of being 'told what to do). 

Become a Member of the CEO Crowd

Are you tired of the

'lonely road' of Entrepreneurship?


Let me tell you about the CEO Crowd’s commitment to sisterly support online. The CEO Crowd is a place where women support women-no BS.

Within our community, business owners undergo a deep authentic transformation.

You will transition from feeling isolated and disconnected to discovering “your people” in a secure and nurturing environment.

In this corner of the internet, we nurture our businesses, mental health and relationships alongside other heart-centered, soul-led, and like-minded online entrepreneurs.

You're not alone. We promise.

Meet Some of Our Crowd Members


Renata Tebing

Intuitive Nutrition Coach

Lindsay Clappe


Larissa Torres

Automation Specialist

Ashley Avila

Podcaster & Coach

Member Benefits

Unlimited Networking

Attend our networking calls every week which we fill with new collaborations for you.

Co-Working Sessions

This is a Crowd that does the work together! Be more productive, motivated and get more done.

Custom Onboarding

Come to your 1:1 onboarding call to kick-start your custom membership experience.

Join Us On The Inside

The CEO Crowd is for you if: 

  • If you're all in for deep authentic relationships with REAL Business Women.
  • If you're online business is thriving but you're struggling.
  • You are a full-time Entrepreneur and the hustler type working towards consistent 4/5 figure months.
  • If you know having friends in the space is going to make you a better entrepreneur.


The CEO Crowd is not for you if:

  • You're happily rocking the brick-and-mortar scene and have zero interest in diving into the online whirlwind. More power to you!
  • You're not interested in collaborations and prefer flying solo. We’re impressed that you know yourself so well and are reaching your goals on your own! We salute your independence.
  • You're a complainer, excuse aficionado, or drama queen. Oh, honey, we see you, but our corner of the universe is all about positive vibes, growth, and leaving the drama at the door. We’re not the right place for you.


I'm also a master connector. You know those people who seem to have an uncanny ability to bring others together, like magnets for like-minded souls? Guilty as charged! 

But this isn't about me, let's talk about what that means for your business...

it means that through our 275+ network, I know exactly who to connect you with to save you time and energy on the search (or the scroll). Also, after a decade in coaching (and attending in-person personal development events) I have a wider personal network than most people.

I'm a big fan of taking the time to truly “see” people, and that means treating you like a 1:1 client, which includes a fully customised experience. For this reason, our membership will only ever grow to 200 members.

Don't take my word for it...

we only just met.

"I did it for 2 days, and it turned into a paid in full client already."


Bonnie Lee


PCOS & Fertility Coach

"I've gotten so much value, so many collaboration opportunities, it's a good investment."

Maggie Olson


Chaos to Clarity Business Coach

"This was the solution I didn't;t know I needed! And now that I have it, it's amazing! 

Tiffany Gilleland


Business & Mindset Coach | Marketing Services | Serial Entrepreneur

Join Us In The Crowd



Hey CEO, we're with you for the long haul!

  • Enjoy unlimited access to our networking calls (with new faces every week)
  • Host your own Masterclass within our community (take the mic, share your business & pitch)
  • Gain access to our Network Directory (with 165+ CEOs who have actively engaged in our events)
  • Join co-working & collaboration sessions (where your voice is heard)
  • Meet your new, assigned monthly Business Bestie (think accountability partners but way cooler)
  • Unlock access to our Anti-Burnout Framework. You’ll overcome overwhelm & banish burnout!
  • Grab some airtime on the CEO Crowd Podcast and live on our Instagram page (to get the word out there about your business)
  • Join the CEO Crowd with personal, white glove treatment. Get to know Rebecca during your 1:1 recorded onboarding session. This experience also includes a made just-for-you game plan for you and your business.

Frequently Asked Questions


You deserve to have support as a female entrepreneur

We aren’t meant to do business (or life) alone. It was true in primal, tribal times and it’s true now!

We understand, maybe no one in your current friend group, your family or your small town gets it. But that’s the gift of being online. We understand one another and know that support along the way is your right as an entrepreneur.

That’s the reality with The CEO Crowd.

You don’t have to do it alone. And it is possible, if Taylor Swift and Beyonce taught us anything it was supporting one another wins every time.